For 30+ years I’ve performed.
I’ve been on big stages and small.
Formal theatres. Weird, out-of-the-way, semi-derelict basements. Lecture halls and classrooms. Forests. Beaches. On the street.
I’ve even performed in the sea at night (which was pretty scary – I don’t swim too well).
I’ve played to audiences of every size and type: children, business people, ‘theatre-goers’ peasant farmers, rural Indian villagers……
I know how to hold the attention and share a story
I’m an improvisor.
I performed improvisations (fearlessly creating something from nothing)
I taught improvisation.
I used improvisation as a vehicle to teach other skills.
I increasingly realised that the skills needed to improvise are skills for life.
That’s what I want to share with you.
When you invite me to speak, I’ll craft a bespoke presentation tailored to your audience and your organisation.
I offer three basic topics.
‘Improvisation & Innovation:
A Performer’s Guide to Navigating Change’
Improvisation means responding to what is, and using it to make something amazing and new. It’s creativity in action.
It’s core skills and attitudes are useful in every aspect of personal and professional life.
I’ll introduce the 5 most important attitude-shifts we all need to thrive in times of change.
Leadership Development
Corporate Innovation
Change Management
Team Building & Collaboration
Start-ups & Entrepreneurs
Educational Processes
Healthcare & Wellness
‘Running Workshops That Change Lives’
I’ve spent my life teaching at every level of formal, workshop, corporate and community education.
I’ve written books about it too – and trained others how to teach.
The heart of effective teaching is understanding and using the deep structures of learning.
I’ll share these with your audience.
They include: 3 ‘types of learning’ that reinforce each other; the 5-part learning journey; how to structure the (inner and outer) learning environment; models and stategies for effective feedback.
Good workshops ‘en-courage’ (make brave). That’s what I’ll offer your audience – deep en-couragement.
Corporate Learning & Development
Community Empowerment
Therapeutic Processes
Educational Development
Health & Well-Being Practitioners
Youth Mentorship Programmes
Environmental & Sustainability Programmes
Spiritual & Mindfulness Practitioners
Social and Criminal Rehabilitation Programmes
‘Creating Connection
Lessons from an Actor’s Creative Journey’
An Actor starts the creative journey from nothing. Perhaps there’s a script or an idea, but every performance is created from scratch.
She or he uses specific skills: not only acting skills – creation skills.
The most important is knowing how to create and maintain connection.
I identify 7 key insights actors use, insights that can help all of us connect effectively with others.
They include: focus and attention; rejecting binary thinking. playfulness; scuplting time/space/energy; adaptability & flexibility; balancing the individual and collective; trusting process.
I’l take your audience through each area, explaining why they matter and how to get better at them.
This speech draws on my Coaching/Consultancy Programme What Actors Know
Corporate Leadership & Management
Healthcare Professionals
Educational Institutions
Public Speakers
Technology & Engineering Sector
Non-profit & Community Sector
Internal Communications Specialists
Feedback from Previous Clients
‘John has an ability to hear and bring to awareness what beliefs are behind the clutter of words coming out of my mouth. He guides with encouragement and empathy.’ (Anna, Switzerland)
‘John helped me see through my own unnecessary pressure of carrying others’ baggage & treating it like my own.’ (Arpita. India)
‘John is a wizard, powerful and wise and uses liberating spells to unlock closed minds and soften toughened hearts.’ (Azariah. UK)
‘John’s insightful, kind, and real. I appreciated his honesty and willingness to sit in the uncomfortable moments to help me gain more knowledge about my self and my own power!’ (Gaby. USA)