Coaching & Mentorship

Drawing on thirty years of training, collaborating, and creating, I offer a safe, non-judgemental, intelligent and sensitive space for you to grow.

It’s space to be seen and heard, to ask questions, to reconnect with passion and self-belief. The answers you’re looking for are inside of you. I help you hear them, and be brave enough to listen to what they say.

I offer three ways of working.

  1. Momentum Coaching
  2. Artistic Mentorship
  3. Journey to Belonging – A bespoke programme for Boarding School Survivors (follow this link for more information)

What’s the difference between Momentum Coaching and Artistic Mentorship?

They overlap, but have different focuses.

Coaching is ‘bigger picture’. It’s about personal and professional choices. We’ll identify your purpose and chart new ways to align with it. It’s starts with inner work – removing blockage and reigniting passion. We’ll empower you to be who you most want to be.

Mentorship is more project-focused. I use my experience to guide you as you develop a specific project or a personal practice. I help you make your next professional step, providing an experienced outside eye on the specific creative work you’re undertaking.

All my work is based in Self-With-Others – a framework for thriving in an interconnected world. Our objectives will be defined by you.

It’s your time, your space and you make the final choices.

I support you as you do.

Feedback from Previous Clients

‘John has an ability to hear and bring to awareness what beliefs are behind the clutter of words coming out of my mouth. He guides with encouragement and empathy.’ (Anna, Switzerland)

‘John helped me see through my own unnecessary pressure of carrying others’ baggage & treating it like my own.’ (Arpita. India)

‘John is a wizard, powerful and wise and uses liberating spells to unlock closed minds and soften toughened hearts.’ (Azariah. UK)

‘John’s insightful, kind, and real. I appreciated his honesty and willingness to sit in the uncomfortable moments to help me gain more knowledge about my self and my own power!’ (Gaby. USA)

Here’s five ways I can support you

Momentum Coaching (single or multiple sessions).

I create a space without judgement where you can explore and dissolve the things you’re putting in your own way. Inner change and outer change are connected. Together we’ll identify and move beyond your blockages, and put momentum back into your personal and professional life.

Artistic Mentorship (single or multiple sessions)

With 30 years experience of performing, directing shows and training performers around the world, I’ve a lot to share with you. Whether you’re developing a specific project, looking to change direction, feeling you’re losing your passion, wanting to deepen your practice, or feeling that now is the time to become the artist you always felt you were, together we’ll develop the strategies and confidence you need to take your next step.

Hummingbird Wisdom: ‘How To Focus’ – a 30-day Challenge

An email-a-day for 30 days guiding you to destroy distraction and learn to focus. It’s a life-changer. In a world designed to overwhelm you and make you powerless, focus is the superpower that lets you truly thrive. Own it. Find out more here

Navigating Stress: A one-hour intervention.
(Available as a one-on-one session or for groups)

I’m not saying you can solve stress in under an hour. Anyone who promises you that is lying. I’ll share three key strategies you can use TODAY – which cost nothing – to help you reduce and deal with personal and professional stress. That’s the essential doorway to living a healthier life.

Relighting the Fire
(Available as a one-on-one session or for groups)

Anyone who works creatively knows there’s a tension between what you love and the business of doing what you love. You wanted to be a painter but end up spending all your time selling online. You wanted to connect with other artists, but find yourself isolated. You want to perform but face continual rejections. The fire gets threatened. Never let it go out! The fire is the heart of what makes you, you. It’s your gift to the world. Together, we’ll explore practical strategies for reconnecting with passion and bringing it, fearlessly, to the world.

Interested in discussing Coaching or Mentorship?

To set up an online conversation and explore whether Momentum Coaching or Artistic Mentorship will be right for you, please use this link to set up time for us to have a conversation. If no times are available in the calendar, please drop me a message.

I offer a pay-by-the-hour drop-in service.

Sometimes you might want a single focused hour to discuss a particular question. You can use the link on the right to book a time with me. You’ll be asked to give me a brief overview of what you want to discuss. Sessions will be recorded and you’ll get a ink to the recording afterwards. Sessions cost £150.

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